Chief Asst. Prof. Safiva Goleminova
The present articles aims to review the institutional management and control system, adopted in Bulgaria with regards to resources from the Structural and Cohesion Funds of the EU in Bulgaria, in compliance with the requirements set out in the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union, the applicable Reegulations of the Council and the EC and the valid Bulgarian legislation. An attempt is made to base the analysis of the processes relating to the Cohesion policy of the EU and the public relations therein on the generally adopted Bulgarian administrative and financial legal doctrine while at the same time taking into account existing case law after 2007. Proposals are made for streamlining the activities of relevant authorities with view of improving their coordination for the next programme period.This topic has so far not been the subject of an independent survey in recent Bulgarian legal literature which allows for it to be analysed in the context of the financial system of the Republic of Bulgaria with a focus on public relations and the participants of the management and control system, where the latter will be the subject of a further independent examination.
Политика на сближаване на ЕС, Структурни и Кохезионен фондове, Оперативни програми, система за управление и контрол, публични средства, европейски средства, публични финанси, бюджет, координация