Assist. Prof. Yanko Roychev, PhD
The article analyses the mechanisms of protection from repeat victimisation of a victim of crime, prosecuted on the grounds of complaint by the victim, provided for within the current Bulgarian legislation. The statement has been supported that there is a significant risk of the defendant committing illegal acts against the private complainant, resulting from the implementation of a criminal prosecution against the former. It has been found that these mechanisms are insufficient and do not correspond to the standards enshrined in numerous international legal acts and acts of the European Union. Two proposals de lege ferenda have been formulated – for inclusion of the private complainant among the persons who can obtain protection under the Protection of Individuals at Risk in Relation to Criminal Proceedings Act, and for establishment of the applicability of all measures of procedural coercion in privately actionable criminal cases as well.
repeat victimisation, victim of crime prosecuted on the grounds of complaint by the victim, protection from repeat victimisation of participants in criminal procedure, private complainant, privately actionable criminal cases